
Work continues on the Kill Sector character reformatting. I've been cooking up some new ideas for new pages behind the scenes, maybe even something fancy using javascript! Wow!


I'm back! I don't have a super exciting update, just trying something new with the format of the Kill Sector characters. Check out the Fodder pages for a sample of the new style!


Woah! It's been over half a year since the last update, but we got another one! There's a new gladiator in the Kill Sector section, and something else has been added. If you're reading this, you've already gone right past it!


A small update today, I've added a proper cabinet for Self Destruct II to the games page! Check it out if you haven't already!


Hey! I made a new video game, you can check it out on here: Link


Oh yeah, now we're talking. The whole site got a fresh coat of paint! Poke around, explore, hunt for easter eggs!


First update of 2022! Check out the two new fighters on the Kill Sector page!


There are three new fighters of a new class in the Kill Sector section, and another one somewhere else on the site!


There are two new fighters in the Kill Sector section!


A section of the site for USR has been added! Check it out if you want ideas for ways to add a little flavour to your campaigns and one-shots! Interested in picking up the base rules? Grab the base game here:

DriveThruRPG Link


There are three more fighters in the Kill Sector section!


Two more fighters have been added to the Kill Sector section!


Two new fodder enemies have been added to the Kill Sector section!


Three new fighters have been added to the Kill Sector section!


Some brand new content has been added to the RPGs section! I've been playing a ton of Kill Sector lately and I decided to share the custom enemies I've been putting together for my gauntlets.

I highly recommend trying the game with a few friends, you can find it here:

DriveThruRPG Link


I added two more pages to the Doom section, one for The Pistol Mod and one for Eternal Doomer (Not to be confused with Doom Eternal). Check them out if you want to know more about my earlier mods!


The art page is up and running! It's a bit barebones at the moment, but in the future I might add a basic description to each of the images.


Added a page for Self-Destruct to the Doom page.
